Monday, December 5, 2011

IBM Project Match

It seems that IBM is looking to move redundant staff into emerging markets, including the UAE, through a program called Project Match

While IBM refuses to comment about the project, or the presumed 4,200 layoffs that may have initiated it, the scheme is intended to give Big Blue employees from North America, who would otherwise may be made redundant, the opportunity to work in overseas markets - although employment would be on local terms and conditions. Possible countries to transfer to include India, China, Brazil, Russia , Mexico, the Czech Republic, South Africa, Nigeria, and the United Arab Emirates, according to a report in InformationWeek.

Predictably the news, which leaked out in the US through an IBM union, has added yet more fuel to the debate around 'American' jobs moving overseas. While its easy to see that not everyone can move to where the work is, in an era of globalization, you might think that some people would realize that you have to be global to compete. IBM knows that, and is at least trying to give its existing staff an opportunity to work in markets that are still growing.

IBM is offering workers financial aid to offset moving costs, assistance with visas and other support, and given that the standard of living in the UAE is pretty much comparable to the US, I'd expect to see quite a few people taking up the Project Match offer. And while that does mean more competition for jobs in emerging markets, it also means an injection of skills and experience for IBM in those markets, to help drive further growth.

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